زاد المسلم

by HAM Code



Zad Al Muslim application contains a lot of information about each of theDescription of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peaceDescription of heaven and its bliss Description of the angels, their names and the deeds entrusted to themAnd the events of the Day of ResurrectionAnd the farewell sermonand prayerAnd the lives of sinsAnd getting closer to Godand sinsAnd the throne holderGog and MagogAnd the afflictionAnd the story of the three blind, bald and leperAnd good faith in GodAnd self jihadThe story of the groove boyThe story of the owners of the SabbathNimrod storyThe story of Dhul-QarnaynSupplications and Supplications Section:The morning adhkaar completeThe evening remembrances are complete